Issue contents

Volume 47 (2011)
Volume 48 (2012)
Volume 49 (2013)

Issue: 5

825-844 F. Malvestuto A backward selection procedure for approximating a discrete probability distribution by decomposable models
845-864 N. Ay and W. Wenzel On solution sets of information inequalities
865-878 G. Hu and T. Mitsui Bounds of the matrix eigenvalues and its exponential by Lyapunov equation
879-889 H. Myšková An iterative algorithm for testing solvability of max-min interval systems
890-906 M. Černý Goffin's algorithm for zonotopes
907-923 H. Mansouri Full-Newton step infeasible interior-point algorithm for SDO problems
924-938 H. Myšková On an algorithm for testing T4 solvability of max-plus interval systems
939-957 M. Jokar and M. Lakestani Numerical solution of second order one-dimensional linear hyperbolic equation using trigonometric wavelets
958-967 Y. Ge, M. Chen and H. Ishii Chance constrained bottleneck transportation problem with preference of routes
968-976 J. Fernández Sánchez and M. Úbeda-Flores On copulas that generalize semilinear copulas
977-987 W. Wysocki Constructing families of symmetric dependence functions
988-1006 H. Ferreira and M. Ferreira On extremal dependence of block vectors
1007-1026 J. Dvořák and M. Prokešová Moment estimation methods for stationary spatial Cox processes -- a comparison
1027-1044 R. Cavazos-Cadena and D. Hernández-Hernández Nash equilibria in a class of Markov stopping games
1045-1063 J. Orbe and V. Núñez-Antón Bias correction on censored least squares regression models