Kybernetika 56 no. 4, 727-752, 2020

Controllability of linear impulsive systems -- an eigenvalue approach

Vijayakumar S. Muni and Raju K. GeorgeDOI: 10.14736/kyb-2020-4-0727


This article considers a class of finite-dimensional linear impulsive time-varying systems for which various sufficient and necessary algebraic criteria for complete controllability, including matrix rank conditions are established. The obtained controllability results are further synthesised for the time-invariant case, and under some special conditions on the system parameters, we obtain a Popov-Belevitch-Hautus (PBH)-type rank condition which employs eigenvalues of the system matrix for the investigation of their controllability. Numerical examples are provided that demonstrate---for the linear impulsive systems, null controllability need not imply their complete controllability, unlike for the non-impulsive linear systems.


controllability, eigenvalues, impulses


15A18, 34A37, 93B05


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