Kybernetika 59 no. 3, 418-436, 2023

Distributed accelerated Nash equilibrium learning for two-subnetwork zero-sum game with bilinear coupling

Xianlin Zeng, Lihua Dou and Jinqiang CuiDOI: 10.14736/kyb-2023-3-0418


This paper proposes a distributed accelerated first-order continuous-time algorithm for $O({1}/{t^2})$ convergence to Nash equilibria in a class of two-subnetwork zero-sum games with bilinear couplings. First-order methods, which only use subgradients of functions, are frequently used in distributed/parallel algorithms for solving large-scale and big-data problems due to their simple structures. However, in the worst cases, first-order methods for two-subnetwork zero-sum games often have an asymptotic or $O(1/t)$ convergence. In contrast to existing time-invariant first-order methods, this paper designs a distributed accelerated algorithm by combining saddle-point dynamics and time-varying derivative feedback techniques. If the parameters of the proposed algorithm are suitable, the algorithm owns $O(1/t^2)$ convergence in terms of the duality gap function without any uniform or strong convexity requirement. Numerical simulations show the efficacy of the algorithm.


continuous-time algorithm, two-subnetwork zero-sum game, distributed accelerated algorithm, Nash equilibrium learning, nonsmooth function


91A10, 37N40, 93A14


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