Recently, Baczy\'{n}ski et al. (2017) proposed a new family of implication operators called semicopula based implications, which combines a given a priori fuzzy implication and a semicopula. In this paper, firstly, the relationship between the basic properties of the priori fuzzy implication and the semicopula based implication are analyzed. Secondly, the conditions such that the semicopula based implication is a fuzzy implication are studied, the study is carried out mainly in the case that the semicopula is a special family semicopula and the priori fuzzy implication is a ($U,N$)-implication. Moreover, the case that the semicopula based implication is 2-increasing (directionally decreasing, respectively) is also considered.
semicopula, fuzzy implications, semicopula based implications, ($U, N$)-implications, 2-increasing
03E72, 03B52