Kybernetika 55 no. 5, 755-781, 2019

Close-to-optimal algorithm for rectangular decomposition of 3D shapes

Cyril Höschl IV and Jan FlusserDOI: 10.14736/kyb-2019-5-0755


In this paper, we propose a novel algorithm for a decomposition of 3D binary shapes to rectangular blocks. The aim is to minimize the number of blocks. Theoretically optimal brute-force algorithm is known to be NP-hard and practically infeasible. We introduce its sub-optimal polynomial heuristic approximation, which transforms the decomposition problem onto a graph-theoretical problem. We compare its performance with the state of the art Octree and Delta methods. We show by extensive experiments that the proposed method outperforms the existing ones in terms of the number of blocks on statistically significant level. We also discuss potential applications of the method in image processing.


decomposition, 3D binary object, voxels, rectangular blocks, sub-optimal algorithm, tripartite graph, maximum independent set




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