Kybernetika 50 no. 6, 849-868, 2014

Bayesian nonparametric estimation of hazard rate in monotone Aalen model

Jana TimkováDOI: 10.14736/kyb-2014-6-0849


This text describes a method of estimating the hazard rate of survival data following monotone Aalen regression model. The proposed approach is based on techniques which were introduced by Arjas and Gasbarra \cite{gasbarra}. The unknown functional parameters are assumed to be a priori piecewise constant on intervals of varying count and size. The estimates are obtained with the aid of the Gibbs sampler and its variants. The performance of the method is explored by simulations. The results indicate that the method is applicable on small sample size datasets.


Bayesian estimation, Gibbs sampler, monotone Aalen model, small sample size


62N02, 62G05


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