Kybernetika 49 no. 1, 60-72, 2013

Reference points based recursive approximation

Martina Révayová and Csaba Török


The paper studies polynomial approximation models with a new type of constraints that enable to get estimates with significant properties. Recently we enhanced a representation of polynomials based on three reference points. Here we propose a two-part cubic smoothing scheme that leverages this representation. The presence of these points in the model has several consequences. The most important one is the fact that by appropriate location of the reference points the resulting approximant of two successively assessed neighboring approximants will be smooth. We also show that the considered models provide estimates with appropriate statistical properties such as consistency and asymptotic normality.


asymptotic normality, consistency, approximation model


62J05, 62L12, 65D05, 62F10, 65D10, 65D07, 62-07, 41A10


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