Kybernetika 48 no. 2, 206-222, 2012

Finite-time output feedback stabilization and control for a quadrotor mini-aircraft

Chuanlin Zhang, Shihua Li and Shihong Ding


This paper focuses on the finite-time output feedback control problem for a quad-rotor mini-aircraft system. First, a finite-time state feedback controller is designed by utilizing the finite-time control theory. Then, considering the case that the velocity states are not measurable, a finite-time stable observer is developed to estimate the unmeasurable states. Thus a finite-time output feedback controller is obtained and the stability analysis is provided to ensure the finite-time stability of the closed loop system. The proposed control method improves the convergence and disturbance rejection properties with respect to the asymptotically control results. Simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed method.


output feedback, quadrotor mini-aircraft, finite-time stability, finite-time observer


93E12, 62A10


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