G. Păun |
On the generative capacity of colonies
Volume 31 no. 1, 83-97, 1995 |
G. Păun |
On the syntactic complexity of parallel communicating grammar systems
Volume 28 no. 2, 155-166, 1992 |
M. Marcus and G. Păun
Regulated Galiukschov semicontextual grammars
Volume 26 no. 4, 316-326, 1990 |
G. Păun |
Two theorems about Galiukschov semicontextual languages
Volume 21 no. 5, 360-365, 1985 |
J. Dassow and G. Păun
Further remarks on the complexity of regulated rewriting
Volume 21 no. 3, 213-227, 1985 |
G. Păun |
Two infinite hierarchies of languages defined by branching grammars
Volume 14 no. 6, 397-407, 1978 |