A. Stupňanová and A. Kolesárová
Associative n - dimensional copulas
Volume 47 no. 1, 93-99, 2011 |
F. Durante, A. Kolesárová, R. Mesiar and C. Sempi
Copulas with given values on a horizontal and a vertical section
Volume 43 no. 2, 209-220, 2007 |
E. Klement and A. Kolesárová
Extension to copulas and quasi-copulas as special 1-Lipschitz aggregation operators
Volume 41 no. 3, 329-348, 2005 |
A. Kolesárová |
1-Lipschitz aggregation operators and quasi-copulas
Volume 39 no. 5, 615-629, 2003 |
A. Kolesárová |
Möbius fitting aggregation operators
Volume 38 no. 3, 259-273, 2002 |
A. Kolesárová and D. Vivona
Entropy of T-sums and T-products of L-R fuzzy numbers
Volume 37 no. 2, 127-145, 2001 |