Kybernetika 48 no. 5, 958-967, 2012

Chance constrained bottleneck transportation problem with preference of routes

Yue Ge, Minghao Chen and Hiroaki Ishii


This paper considers a variant of the bottleneck transportation problem. For each supply-demand point pair, the transportation time is an independent random variable. Preference of each route is attached. Our model has two criteria, namely: minimize the transportation time target subject to a chance constraint and maximize the minimal preference among the used routes. Since usually a transportation pattern optimizing two objectives simultaneously does not exist, we define non-domination in this setting and propose an efficient algorithm to find some non-dominated transportation patterns. We then show the time complexity of the proposed algorithm. Finally, a numerical example is presented to illustrate how our algorithm works.


bottleneck transportation, random transportation time, chance constraint, preference of routes, non-domination


90C35, 90C15, 90C70, 68Q25


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