Kybernetika 57 no. 2, 372-382, 2021

Note on ``construction of uninorms on bounded lattices"

Xiu-Juan Hua, Hua-Peng Zhang and Yao OuyangDOI: 10.14736/kyb-2021-2-0372


In this note, we point out that Theorem 3.1 as well as Theorem 3.5 in G.\,D.~\c{C}ayl{\i} and F. Kara\c{c}al (Kybernetika {\mi 53} (2017), 394--417) contains a superfluous condition. We have also generalized them by using closure (interior, resp.) operators.


uninorms, bounded lattices, closure operators, interior operators


03B52, 06B20, 03E72


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