Kybernetika 57 no. 2, 332-351, 2021

Some notes on the category of fuzzy implications on bounded lattices

Amin Yousefi, Mashaallah Mashinchi and Radko MesiarDOI: 10.14736/kyb-2021-2-0332


In this paper, we introduce the product, coproduct, equalizer and coequalizer notions on the category of fuzzy implications on a bounded lattice that results in the existence of the limit, pullback, colimit and pushout. Also isomorphism, monic and epic are introduced in this category. Then a subcategory of this category, called the skeleton, is studied. Where none of any two fuzzy implications are $\Phi$-conjugate.


t-norm, fuzzy implication, category, skeleton of category


03B52, 03E72


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