Kybernetika 56 no. 1, 107-126, 2020

Fault estimation for time-varying systems with Round--Robin protocol

Haijing Fu, Hongli Dong, Jinbo Song, Nan Hou and Gongfa LiDOI: 10.14736/kyb-2020-1-0107


This paper is concerned with the design problem of finite-horizon $H_\infty$ fault estimator for a class of nonlinear time-varying systems with Round--Robin protocol scheduling. The faults are assumed to occur in a random way governed by a Bernoulli distributed white sequence. The communication between the sensor nodes and fault estimators is implemented via a shared network. In order to prevent the data from collisions, a Round-Robin protocol is utilized to orchestrate the transmission of sensor nodes. By means of the stochastic analysis technique and the completing squares method, a necessary and sufficient condition is established for the existence of fault estimator ensuring that the estimation error dynamics satisfies the prescribed $H_\infty$ constraint. The time-varying parameters of fault estimator are obtained by recursively solving a set of coupled backward Riccati difference equations. A simulation example is given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed design scheme of the fault estimator.


fault estimation, Round-Robin protocol, randomly occurring faults, Riccati difference equations, nonlinear time-varying system


93C10, 93E10


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