A multi-head 1-way pushdown automaton with $k$ heads is a pushdown automaton with $k$ 1-way read heads on the input tape and a stack. It was previously shown that the deterministic variant of the model cannot accept all the context free languages. In this paper, we introduce a 2-tape, 2-head model namely Watson-Crick pushdown automata where the content of the second tape is determined using a complementarity relation, similar to Watson-Crick automata. We show computational powers of nondeterministic two-head pushdown automata and nondeterministic Watson-Crick pushdown automata are same. Moreover, deterministic Watson-Crick pushdown automata can accept all the context free languages.
deterministic Watson-Crick automata, deterministic Watson-Crick pushdown automata, deterministic multi-head pushdown automata, context free languages
68Q45, 68Q10