Kybernetika 53 no. 5, 765-779, 2017

Synchronization of time-delayed systems with discontinuous coupling

Hong-jun Shi, Lian-ying Miao and Yong-zheng SunDOI: 10.14736/kyb-2017-5-0765


This paper concerns the synchronization of time-delayed systems with periodic on-off coupling. Based on the stability theory and the comparison theorem of time-delayed differential equations, sufficient conditions for complete synchronization of systems with constant delay and time-varying delay are established. Compared with the results based on the Krasovskii--Lyapunov method, the sufficient conditions established in this paper are less restrictive. The theoretical results show that two time-delayed systems can achieve complete synchronization when the average coupling strength is sufficiently large. Numeric evidence shows that the synchronization speed depends on the coupling strength, on-off rate and time delay.


time-delayed system, complete synchronization, discontinuous coupling


34F05, 34H10


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