Kybernetika 52 no. 3, 478-495, 2016

Model following control system with time delays

Dazhong Wang, Shujing Wu, Wei Zhang, Guoqiang Wang, Fei Wu and Shigenori OkuboDOI: 10.14736/kyb-2016-3-0478


Design of model following control system (MFCS) for nonlinear system with time delays and disturbances is discussed. In this paper, the method of MFCS will be extended to nonlinear system with time delays. We set the nonlinear part $f(v(t))$ of the controlled object as $||f(v(t))||\leq\alpha+\beta||v(t)||^\gamma$, and show the bounded of internal states by separating the nonlinear part into $\gamma\geq 0$. Some preliminary numerical simulations are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.


time delays, nonlinear system, model following control system (MFCS), internal stable




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