Kybernetika 49 no. 4, 601-618, 2013

Analysis of structural properties of Petri nets based on product incidence matrix

Guangyou Ji and Mingzhe Wang


This paper presents some structural properties of a generalized Petri net (PN) with an algorithm to determine the (partial) conservativeness and (partial) consistency of the net. A~product incidence matrix $A=CC^T$ or $\tilde{A}=C^TC$ is defined and used to further improve the relations among PNs, linear inequalities and matrix analysis. Thus, based on Cramer's Rule, a new approach for the study of the solution of a linear system is given in terms of certain sub-determinants of the coefficient matrix and an efficient algorithm is proposed to compute these sub-determinants. The paper extends the common necessary and/or sufficient conditions for conservativeness and consistency in previous papers and some examples are designed to explain the conclusions finally.


Petri net, structural property, linear inequality, product incidence matrix


93C65, 93A15


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