Kybernetika 49 no. 4, 568-589, 2013

Memoryless solution to the optimal control problem for linear systems with delayed input

This article was granted Editor's award of the year 2013Editor's award 2013

Francesco Carravetta, Pasquale Palumbo and Pierdomenico Pepe


This note investigates the optimal control problem for a time-invariant linear systems with an arbitrary constant time-delay in in the input channel. A state feedback is provided for the infinite horizon case with a quadratic cost function. The solution is memoryless, except at an initial time interval of measure equal to the time-delay. If the initial input is set equal to zero, then the optimal feedback control law is memoryless from the beginning. Stability results are established for the closed loop system, in the scalar case.


stability, optimal control, time-delay systems


93E12, 62A10


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