We consider positional numeration systems with negative real base $-\beta$, where $\beta>1$, and study the extremal representations in these systems, called here the greedy and lazy representations. We give algorithms for determination of minimal and maximal $(-\beta)$-representation with respect to the alternate order. We also show that both extremal representations can be obtained as representations in the positive base $\beta^2$ with a non-integer alphabet. This enables us to characterize digit sequences admissible as greedy and lazy $(-\beta)$-representation. Such a characterization allows us to study the set of uniquely representable numbers. In the case that $\beta$ is the golden ratio and the Tribonacci constant, we give the characterization of digit sequences admissible as greedy and lazy $(-\beta)$-representation using a set of forbidden strings.
numeration systems, negative base, lazy representation, greedy representation, unique representation
11A63, 37B10