F. Aherne, N. Thacker and P. Rockett
The Bhattacharyya metric as an absolute similarity measure for frequency coded data |
E. Alpaydin and C. Kaynak
Cascading classifiers |
V. Brailovsky and M. Har-Even
Detecting a data set structure through the use of nonlinear projections search and optimization |
M. van Breukelen, R. Duin, D. Tax and J. Hartog
Handwritten digit recognition by combined classifiers |
L. Bruzzone and S. Serpico
A simple upper bound to the Bayes error probability for feature selection |
M. Dang and G. Govaert
Fuzzy clustering of spatial binary data |
R. Duin, D. de Ridder and D. Tax
Featureless pattern classification |
F. Ferri |
Combining adaptive vector quantization and prototype selection techniques to improve nearest neighbour classifiers |
J. Flusser and T. Suk
On selecting the best features in a noisy environment |
J. Grim |
Mixture of experts architectures for neural networks as a special case of conditional expectation formula |
M. Haindl and S. Šimberová
A scratch removal method |
M. Kudo and J. Sklansky
A comparative evaluation of medium- and large-scale feature selectors for pattern classifiers |
R. Kumar and P. Rockett
Decomposition of high dimensional pattern spaces for hierarchical classification |
E. Nyssen |
Interpretation of pattern classification results, obtained from a test set |
J. Pik |
Transformation of structural patterns in discrete events? An application of structural methods in discrete event systems |
P. Pudil, J. Novovičová, P. Somol and R. Vrňata
Conceptual base of feature selection consulting system |
Š. Raudys |
Intrinsic dimensionality and small sample properties of classifiers |
M. Sato, M. Kudo, J. Toyama and M. Shimbo
Construction of nonlinear discrimination function based on the MDL criterion |
L. Soukup |
Probability distribution of transformed random variables with application to nonlinear features extraction |
H. Tenmoto, M. Kudo and M. Shimbo
Piecewise linear classifiers preserving high local recognition rates |
I. Vajda and J. Grim
About the maximum information and maximum likelihood principles |